Thursday, February 25, 2010

today training

Today i arranged Mr. Chuah to replace my morning class and i went for the so called" classroom management" training. I actually was quite happy in attending this because most of my colleagues were joining it and we seriously wanted to find out the solutions about our classroom management. Throughout the whole training I learned how to act and how to deal with some difficult conditions. We are required to present what we have learned during the training, we listed out all the things (frankly speaking, I am lucky as i am grouped with Ms Leong and Wong, they are expects la...) and presented in front of the trainer and trainees.

Everything that has being presented is perfect and ideal, but in real life, it seems like too idealised. There are always an accident out of the sudden which we can't find in the books or else where, experience is the vital part to be needed now. In more practical way, we need to apply what we have learned in our lecture or tutorial classes. Be honest, my mind only left 10 % of the training knowledge, 90% sent back to the trainer. I think if no practice, what i have been learned today is equal to zero, is nothing. Hence, why people say "practice makes perfect", i need to practise more in order to do it naturally.

need to go to bath, yeah! tomorrow is a public holiday, thinking need to do some reading later.