Thursday, February 25, 2010



其实,你有没有发现到,我开心得口齿不清,乱嘻哈了一番。知道你在澳洲很健康,我已经很满足了。刚才的通话,我突然很莫名的开心,因为那层隔膜又不见了。先前 我想我们的隔膜是因为选科的问题,但过后才发现不是,而是信任的问题。 那个地方我想我已经找到了,我不懂对不对, 你不妨去看看,如果对了最告诉我哦; 错了我就要再加把劲。

哈, 觉得自己很失败,竟然开口On skype 的人是你, 而不是我。但今天的沟通也了解‘看开’的真正定义。不管未来如何, 咱们好好加油哦!

today training

Today i arranged Mr. Chuah to replace my morning class and i went for the so called" classroom management" training. I actually was quite happy in attending this because most of my colleagues were joining it and we seriously wanted to find out the solutions about our classroom management. Throughout the whole training I learned how to act and how to deal with some difficult conditions. We are required to present what we have learned during the training, we listed out all the things (frankly speaking, I am lucky as i am grouped with Ms Leong and Wong, they are expects la...) and presented in front of the trainer and trainees.

Everything that has being presented is perfect and ideal, but in real life, it seems like too idealised. There are always an accident out of the sudden which we can't find in the books or else where, experience is the vital part to be needed now. In more practical way, we need to apply what we have learned in our lecture or tutorial classes. Be honest, my mind only left 10 % of the training knowledge, 90% sent back to the trainer. I think if no practice, what i have been learned today is equal to zero, is nothing. Hence, why people say "practice makes perfect", i need to practise more in order to do it naturally.

need to go to bath, yeah! tomorrow is a public holiday, thinking need to do some reading later.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010



我还有一个目标,就是增肥。新年期间,人人都变胖,只有我便瘦,成何体统!所以我要吃得健康,早餐必吃,午餐也是, 晚餐吃轻便的食物(何谓轻便?), 运动也要做!打算去习舞,找回昔日舞台的感觉,好怀念当时台上的紧张,灯光打在身上的时候,真的好感动。所以打算找佩一起去参与石头舞团的练习,看看自己还是不适合跳舞,和陶冶性情。

累了,明天有八点的课, 加油咯。

To QuaCi

Knowing that QuaCi passed away, it was somehow a very uneasy feeling inside my heart. I told myself that it shouldn't be QuaCi because for what I know her so far, she was a happy go lucky and friendly person, she wouldn't be a person who mind would go astray to choose to end her life by suicide. Low, please stand strong, what we can do now is hoping QuaCi will live happily in the heaven. Life is so fragile, no one can predict the future event, hence, what we can do is to try our best to live our lives to the fullest. Meanwhile, make sure that we can think positively and always carry a peaceful mind. Although it is quite tough to reach and achieve, we still need to try our best to do it and accomplish it.

QuaCi, take care!

Friday, January 8, 2010



在我所谓“许久” 的定义,那该是两到三个月的时光,不是很长但却发生了许多变迁,使我不得不觉得那是个漫长的岁月。今天的回头望,不知何时能再次地回眸,因为忙而所以盲或是为了避免遗憾,所以选择了向前看。 其实能拥有能力去回忆,那是一件很浪漫的事。趁脑细胞还灵活,要好好地回味过去,好的,不好的,都要品尝,因为那时生活的一部分。我真的很怀念我们的过去,回想起的时候,脑袋里还荡漾着昔日的笑声,每一个动作, 每一个细节,都那么触目惊心,突然好想回到过去,把遗憾的空间都填满,然后添上渴望的色彩,好让老的时候可以慢慢地品尝。

