Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2mr lesson

What a boring day for today! everthing seems to be the same and nothing much to change.

Hearing what ying hui told me yesterday, i was quite shocked for that. Actually tommorrow will be my first english writing lesson, i haven't prepared anything yet and it seemed to be late for me to prepare my english. English couldn't be prepared, it has to be performed on the spot and few days of preparation couldn't make the work done. One hour before, i have read some article which was teaching us how to write a report and what should you do to polish up your english and etc. I have read all through once and found some new words and i recorded it down for convinience of revising.

Simultaneously, i found some fuuny thing which was the english lesson for children. Let me show you the website There are lots of flamingoes and one of the flamingoes is the main director who teach you how to play the game. It is quite colourful with the blackground and it makes me feel like playing facebook ~ pet society. Haha, i like colourful thing and that's why this website attracts my attention. You can go and try it out if you like it.

Suddenly something flashes in my mind, it makes me feel uncomfortable again ~ the atmosphere for tommorrow lesson. Can i escape? It makes me feel so horrible as i haven't seen the teacher before and who knows the first lesson is nothing just " please write a report for me now, as i want to see which level are you in ." Damn it, i know the first i will do is looking at her with my innocent eyes and telling her that i know nothing. "Bang!!!!" she slapes on the table and use her finger to point at me and says," Dare you say it again?huh!". Can you imagine the circumstances ?how horrible is it? What i can do is looking at her speechlessly and say," i will try to do now, okay?"

I think i am going crazy now, my good imagination leading me to such a scary situation. Crying is useless. In stead of crying, i need to make myself more stronger,or even strongest. I will not be scared and i will be brave enough to attend the class.
